Monday, May 20, 2013

1920's in class assignment

President Harden thinks that times are changing and that we shouldn't be surprised if people stop following the norms of society due to that fact, but people should still be punished for doing bad things.

Both Sides of the Question Cartoon

He thinks that it doesn't matter what happens about Prohibition, just so long as people are satisfied and nobody's being injured.

Mother Saloon

This cartoon represents the Prohibition act and how people think that their mother's don't approve of their children drinking.

Racism in the 1920's

To me, this quote depicts the dwindling of KKK members and how even though people are "turning against it" because times are changing, are definitely still for it deep in the heart and would turn right back to being racist in any time of need.

This film would have increased racism because it showed blacks as being "lesser" or more violent and all the white people were trying to do was stop the madness that they film portrayed.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

WW1 Part 2

1. Zimmerman 
3 Navel Ships
Russian Revolution 

2) The cartoon that best describes the war is the one where the German soldier murders all of the innocent Americans. 

3) The Russian Revolution is missing and this led up to the war because they got all new guns and stuff and it can also be concluded that the Russian Revolution helped end the war because had Russia not had the Revolution Germany would not have focused all of its powers on France which then would not have led an end even had the Americans joined because there would still be soldiers on the Eastern Front.  

Monday, March 11, 2013

WW1 Part 1

Imperialim lead to war because the United States tried to take over everyone's countries. Nationalism led to war because everyone was so proud of their countiries and it kind of offended other people. Militarism led to war because the different countiries all competed to make their militia rise bigger. And alliances led to war because everyone was tied together and they all fought each other.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

American Imperialism

This picture depicts how America Imperlized the world by taking over countries that weren't organized and had a really poor government. The Americans came in and "polished" the struggling countries and made them better.

Flagler Railroad Pictures


"Just waiting for my train on this new railroad they built."


Many people gathering around the new railroad

And there she is, Florida's new train/railroad system.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

KKK Extra Cedit

The KKK was in fact, a group of predominately white males and their families that hated all blacks and Jews. The KKK started out as a few men trying to rebel against segregation, but quickly grew nation-wide. The KKK was notorious for their random out-burts and killings of many blacks and Jews. They would shoot someone up on the street simply for their skin color. However, as the law tried to stop them, they became worse and worse. Expanding into their own subgroups and killing more and more innocent people as the days progressed. By the end of the KKK, thousands of lives had been lost, but the KKK finally settled down. There still are many strong members of the KKK, mostly hick rednecks with nothing better to do, but there still are many groups out there and even if they aren't apart of the KKK, there are many people that are sill racist.